IQAC_2021-2022 –
- 2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode.
- 4.1.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.
- 4.1.2 The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc
- 5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution
- 5.3.2 Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extracurricular activities
- 1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution
- 1.4.2 Feedback process Reports
- 2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners
- 2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences
- 2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient
- 2.6.1 Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students.
- 3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the year
- 4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi
- 4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
- 6.2.2 Organogram of the institution
- 7.1.1 Annual gender sensitization action plan
- 7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
- Annual Reports 2021-22
- 2021-2022 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance