The principle focus of the Grievance Redressal cell is to develop an answerable and accessible attitude amongst all the stakeholders so that a healthy educational atmosphere is sustained in the college This Cell is established in the redress the grievance brought by the students of the College. The objective is to manage harmonious climate by encouraging genial Student, teacher and College management relationship. If there is any kind of mental or physical harassment, dissatisfy and complaint regarding class room management, the cell encourages the aggrieved students to express their difficulties / grievances truthfully and spontaneously without any panic of being victimized.


  • To resolve issues between students, teachers and the management.
  • To provide the students, healthy atmosphere to the explain their grievance
  • To safeguard the rights of students in side the campus.
  • To provide a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances.
  • To make ensure efforts to resolve the grievance with principle of natural justices

Complaint and Redressal mechanism:

  • The aggrieved students are at their free-will to submit the grievances in person at the Redressal cell.
  • Suggestion boxes have been affixed at prime junctions of every block so that the grievances might be dropped into the boxes.
  • The students can send the complaints / this dissatisfaction to the cell through e-mail.

Grievance Redressal Committee

Dr.G.GOWRI, M.Sc, Ph.D.,

 Head Department of Zoology

Mobile No: +91 6383123457

E-Mail ID:

Students of Grievance Redressal Committee

1) K.SANDHIYA – II Zoology
2) S.MONISHA – III Zoology
3) G.POOVIZHI – I PG Zoology